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Friday 12 October 2018

Happy Dashain 2075 B.S.

                                            #Dashain #Greetings #TripitakHolidays

Thursday 4 October 2018


एकजनाले भन्थे,
आमालाई रिझाए श्रीमती रिसाउने, श्रीमती रिझाए आमा रिसाउने।
यो कस्तो छोरो पाएछु, जोइतिङ्ग्रे भएछ। स्वास्नीको मात्रै कुरो सुन्छ। स्यानो हुंदा मरिहत्ते गर्ने छोरा त बिहे पछि मुख हेर्न पनि आमा खुवाउने औंसी आउनु पर्ने भो।
कस्तो पोइ पाएछु? जति माया दिए पनि त्यस्कै आमाको मात्रै कुरो सुन्ने। सबै आमाकै कुरो सुन्ने भए मलाई किन बिहे गरेको त?
छोरो, न आमाको कुरो सुनेर केही गर्न सक्छ? न श्रीमतीको कुरो सुनेर केही गर्न सक्छ? दिक्दार छ जीन्दगी । बिचरा !

Buddhist Tour

Sunday 30 September 2018

Tuesday 11 September 2018


गज्जब छ बा!

के भो?
रगतमा अलि इन्फेक्सन रहेछ।
ओहो ब्लड क्यान्सर भो कि क्या हो?
थुक्क बुझाई! त्यस्सै क्यान्सर हुन्छ ?

के भो?
मृगौलामा अलि इन्फेक्सन देखियो।
ओहो तेरो मृगौला कुहियो कि क्या हो? अब डायलसिस गर्नु पर्छ कि क्या हो? हेर पैसा पनि खत्तम मान्छे पनि खत्तम।
हेर त बुझेको! अलि खराबी हुने बित्तिकै डायलसिस गर्नु पर्छ?

के भो?
कलेजोमा अलि इन्फेक्सन देखा पर्‍यो।
ओहो जण्डीस भएर मर्लास है ख्याल गर।

लौ हेर, मलाई न जण्डीस भाको, न मेरो मृगौला कुहिएको, न त क्यान्सर नै भा को।

जल्ले नि के भो तँलाई भनेर सोध्या सोधै गरेको भएर फरक फरक मान्छेलाई फरक फरक कुरो भन्देको त मलाई ज्युँदै लास बनाई दिन्छ्न यो हो मेरो समाजको मानसिकता।

इन्फेक्सनको कमाल।

Monday 10 September 2018

क्लिनिकमा कुराई

खोक्रो खोकि, जर्जर ज्वरो, सिंगाने रुघाले ग्रस्त भएर डाक्टरको खोजीमा जांदा बाटो हल्लिएको जस्तो आभास भयो। बल्ल तल्ल बिरामी जांच्ने क्लिनिकमा त पुगियो, डाक्टर साहेबको सवारी भएको थिएन। एकैछिन कुर्नुस है भन्नू भयो, नजिकैको डेस्कमा बसेकी स्वास्थ्य कर्मी नानीले। हस त भन्नै पर्‍यो। अरु कुनै उपाय नभए पछि।

म कुरेको ठाउँ संगै औषधि पसल थियो। औषधि लिन आएको एकजना बिरामीले खल्तीमा हात घुसार्‍यो, एक पुरिया खोइ के हो झिक्यो, दायाँ हातको चोर औंला र बुढी औंला त्यो पाकेट भित्र घुसाएर एक चिम्टी केही झिक्यो र बिहान बिहान नधोइ आएको मुख आँ गरेर दाँत र गीजाको छेवैमा राखेर, नजिकैको फूलमै पर्ने गरी पीच्च थुक्यो। भर्खर फुल्न लागेको फूलले के भन्यो कुन्नि ? तर मलाई त्यो मान्छेलाई सभ्य भन्न चै मन लागेन। त्यतिले नि पुगेन त्यो प्लास्टिकको पुरिया खाली भएछ कि क्या हो, त्यो नि फ्याट्टै फ्याँक्यो। त्यो पनि आर्को फूलको टाउको मै अल्झियो। फूलको ठाउँमा कस्तो देखियो होला तपाइँ आफै अनुमान लगाउनुस।

अनि त्यो मनुवा, औषधि पसलमा आएर दाँत र गीजाकै उपचारको औषधि किनेर गयो। म अक्कनबक्क भएर हेर्‍या हेरै।

लौ डाक्टर साहेब नि आउनु भएछ। म आफ्नो जाँच गराउन हिंडें। अस्तु।

Wednesday 1 August 2018

डाक्टर और मरीज

मरीज: अरे डाक्टर साब! हमने शुबहसे कुच्छो नहि खाया, बहुते भुख लगरहा हे हमको जल्दी करवा दिजिए ना।
डाक्टर: आपको हमे भुखे रहने को कहा ता? काना काके आना।
मरीज: अरे हम कहाँ जाएं, हमतो बुहुते दूर थहरते हें। हमार लाज दूर हे।
डाक्टर: आपको हमे गर जानेको कहा ? केन्टीन पे जाकर का के आना, लाइन पे आना।
मरीज: अरे वाह! कन्टीनवामे थोडी फोकटमे मिलतबा? पैसवा कौन भरत बा? तुम्हारा बाप? (मन हि मन झगडकर मरीज बाहर निकला)

(डाक्टर साब तमिल, मरीज बिहारी था)
स्थान: भेलोर, CMC Hospital

Tuesday 31 July 2018


बिर्खे: ए हर्के ! आज जुलुस छ रेन्त !
हर्के: ए हो र ! जाने होइन त ! मासु भात त देलान नि ! 
बिर्खे: खोइ कै था छैन यार । पैसा बाँडे जाम्ला, नत्र त जान्न, मासु भात मात्रै खान त !
हर्के: जे सुकै होस न ! ट्याम पास नि हुने, खान नि पाउने, हिंड ! पाए ल्याम्ला नपाए रमिता हेरम्ला ! जाम के !
बिर्खे: ए हर्के ! तेसो भे, एउटा झण्डा चैं उम्काउनु पर्ला है ! अस्ति ल्याको त साइकल पुछदा पुछ्दै च्याटिएछ यार!
हर्के: यस्पाली, तँलाई झ्यालमा पर्दा पुग्ने नै गरी उम्काम्ला नि त ! बरु कुन पार्टीको रेछ, था छ?
बिर्खे: त्यो पार्टी सार्टी त था छैन, सबै रातै देखिन्छ, आजकोमा चैं चार वटा तारा छ क्यारे !
हर्के: ए ! तेसो भे तेरो काम तमाम हुने भो ! पैसा वालकै पार्टी रेछ । जाम हो जाम ।

#जुलुस #चेतनाभया #नेपालीबुद्दि

Monday 30 July 2018


अस्पतालको कुरुवा कोठामा एक जना पुरुष कुर्सिमा झोला राखेर सिट ओगटेको छ । आर्को एक जना त्यतै तिरको महिलाले त्यो पुरुषलाई अनुरोध गर्‍यो: कृपया त्यो झोला भाको ठाँउमा म बसम ?
पुरुष: यत्रो ठुल्ठुलो आंखाले हेर्दै भन्यो, देखेन त्यां झोला राखेको, मेरो मान्छे अहिले नै आउँछ ।
महिला: ठिक छ, तपाईंको मान्छे आएसी मैले यो ठाम छाड्दिम्ला नि।
पुरुष: ओ हो, हो ! अहिले त्यस्तो कुरा गर्ने एकछिन पछि, छाड्दिन भन्ने, मलाई सब था छ । हुन्न, भनेसी हुन्न, मैले यो ठाम छाड्दिन।
महिला: तिम्रो मान्छे आएसी, मैले छाडि दिन्छु भनेकै छु त, एकै छिन त हो नि!
पुरुष: हुन्न भनेसी हुन्न, हुन्न, हुन्न।
महिला: कस्तो मान्छे रैछ? तिमी त?
पुरुष: कस्तो भन्ने नि, यी यस्तो, (उस्ले आफ्नो ज्यान देखायो) के सम्झेका छौ, हं ? (जुरुक्क उथ्यो, मानौ उसको ठूलो इज्जत नै गयो) ज्यान जाला त्यो झोला त्यो पुरुषले झिकेन। ती दुबै जना बंगाली थिए।
सन्दर्भ स्थान: भेलोर CMC Hospital

Monday 23 July 2018

Janakpur, Nepal

एकादेशको कथा: राजा र मन्त्री

एकादेशमा नेप्टे, चेप्टे र चुच्चेहरु मिलेर समुहमा बसेका रहेछन्। समुहमा बस्दा वर्दा एकदिन सबैले हाम्रो पनि राजा बनाम न भनेछन।

नेप्टे, चेप्टेहरुले समुहमा अलि चलाख चुच्चेलाई तं राजा बन हाम्रा पनि मनुवा, भतुवाहरुलाई मुन्तरी बना है भनेछन। चुच्चेले अलिक नाटक गरेर तंहरु नै बन। ह्या ! मलाई तिमिहरुको पुजारी मात्रै बनाए नि हुन्छ। मर्दा पर्दा, काजकिरिया गरिदिम्ला भनेछन। त्यो नेप्टे, चेप्टेहरुले चुच्चेको राजनीति बुझेनछ।

अलि बल गरेरै तं चै राजा बन्न लायकै रेछ्स। तैं बन हाम्ले भनेको कुरो माने पुगि हाल्छ नि भनेछन। चुच्चेले सर्त अघि सारेछ। बन्न त बन्छु, मैले भनेको पनि तंहरुले मान्नु पर्छ भनेछन र राजा भएछ।

अब राजाले मन्त्री मण्डल बनाउने तरखर गरेछ। नेप्टे, चेप्टेहरु आ आफ्नो नातागोता, आउरे, बाउरे, भतुवाहरुलाई मन्त्री बनाउन भनेर शिफारिस गर्न गएछन।

राजा भएका चुच्चेले सबैलाई सोधेछन, किन आइस? अरुबेला, किन आउनु भा हो भनेर सोध्ने चुच्चेले अचानक भाषा फेरेको देखेर नेप्टेको मनमा चिसो पसेछ।

यो कुकुरलाई घ्यू पच्दैन भन्थे त्यस्तै हुने भो कि क्या हो? यस्ले त अहिले नै यस्तो व्यबहार गर्छ बा! तै पनि मुख खोलेछन। हेर! तंलाई हाम्ले राजा बनाई हालेम अब यो काले, चाउरे, दाउरेलाई नि मुन्तरी बना।

राजा: हेर चेप्टे, नेप्टे, तंहरुले भनेरै म राजा बनें तंहरुको कुरो मैले सुनें। अब म राजा भैसके पछि, मेरो मन फर्केको छ। अब म यो गाउँ बनाउछु। त्यस्को लागि मलाई मेरै जातको मान्छे चाहिन्छ, बुझिस।

नेप्टे: अरुकुरो था छैन! मेरो दाउरेलाई चैं मुन्तरी बनाउनै पर्छ। तंलाई राजा बनाउन मैले कत्रो मिहेनत गरेकोछु तंलाई था छंदैछ नि!

राजा: थाहा छ। तंलाई नि मैले बेला मौकामा धेरै सहयोग गरेकै छु। हिसाब किताब बरोबर। अब म राजा भा बेलामा राम्रो काम गरेन भने तंहरुले नै गालि गर्लास। त्यसैले तेरो मान्छे होइन मेरो मान्छेले मन्त्री पड्काउछ बुझिस! अब आफ्नो बाटो लाग।

नेप्टे र चेप्टेले टाउको समातेर मुखामुख गरेछन । थुक्क यो यस्तोलाई पो राजा बनाएछम, हेर त अहिले हाम्रो बिजोग। 


Friday 22 June 2018

Vellore Diary 7, Tension

We didn't know when is our check up complete. Every day we need to test various types of test like: blood, urin, ECG, ECHO, X-ray, scan and the list go on for diagnosis. After completion of test we have to see Doctors for consultation. Some time we have to see senior consultant, who will brief Junior doctor in detail. That teaching method is good for intern doctors and junior doctors. But for us, it is time taking. Some time the senior, suggest further more test. That again we have to bear the cost for our test and their research and investigation.

That too we tolerate. But still, we are not sure when we are going back to our home country. If you are office bearer you have to extend the leave. If you are a businessman you have to sacrifice your business. This is how we feel in #CMCVellore.


We need to take chance ticket if we are travelling in train. Only Tatkal seats available. That is last minute chance tickets. In this system you won't know whether you get the ticket or not. More Tension when you are looking at the computer reservation system. Our heart sounds like any thing.

This time, we take this chance. The first day, we missed the time. 11am-12 pm. The next day we were ready for AC Tickets, within 58 seconds we missed all the tickets. Again we tried for tatkal non ac, luckily, a group of four tickets confirmed. Another we waited and tried to premium tatkal. This time we confirmed another four tickets. This is the first time that my luck favoured me for group of 8 Pax. Got relelief from great tension.

Feeling happy. I thank the travel agent M.A. Tours and Travel, Vellore and Mr. Mohammed Akram bro for his tricks and suggestion.

Monday 11 June 2018

Vellore Diary 6, Street shop

Today, I had no good experience. One shopkeeper outrightly rejected while asking the status of mango, whether it was ripen or not. That might be my mistake that I spoke in HINDI " Eh paka hua hai ki nahin?" instead of English or Tamil: which I don't know. Konchi konchi Tamil teriella. Tamil teri ma. The shopkeeper was angry and said PO DA.. I don't know why he was so upset.

I went to another shop with my dad. She humbly gave my dad a piece of mango to taste. It was good enough. Then we bought a kilo of Mango with IC 30/-. Happyli returned to our place. We praised the shopkeeper that she was humble and we have brought the mangoes to eat. After opening a packet, we found fifity percent rotten mangoes and only fifty percent we could eat. This is shame on the shopkeeper that we praised without knowing her vested interest.

The Vellore residence are though good there are some shopkeepers they spoil the image of local residence. Too bad experience. Sorry for these street shops. Becareful while buying in the street. They don't care buyers, as they are from different world. Street sellers have no manners and humanity I experience in Vellore city of health education. Sorry!

Vellore Diary 5, Food

After long time I am having idli for a breakfast made of white flour and pulse, idli is very popular rice dish in South India. It is served with samber and chutney. Light, if you take in ample number of idli. And if you want a stomach full, you can take more as per your requirement.

Another interesting meal is South Indian Thali. This meal has 21 varieties we had in a restaurant. The waiter claimed that his restaurant is the best in town. I will name once I confirmed. I have to test the taste of other restaurants too in town. But the taste is best really, I loved it. This contains varieties of rice, samber, vegetables, chutney, achar, rasam, curd, papad, roti and item goes on. Rice is circled by all vegetable items. Nice. I am still having the mouth watering taste. Hmmm.

Have a nice meal.

Sunday 10 June 2018

Vellore Diary 4, Pilgrimage Tour

Today is Sunday, no appointment, no check up. We are free for a day. We don't know what to do in Vellore, if you are free for a day.

So, we started googling. Found one interesting place, that was Mahalaxmi Golden Temple. Instead of going to travel agent, we started counselling with local people. Here, in Vellore, local people are very active and conscious. They suggest us to take a local auto which can carry 4-5 persons at a time. These autos have no meter. They have their rates to visit the places of interest. We are charged IC 1150/- per auto to visit Ratnagiri Balamurigan Temple, Sri Sai Mandir (9 Sai Temple) and Mahalaxmi Golden Temple. We don't know whether these prices are reasonable or not. But it was worth visiting the places we had visited. Nearly 100 km in a day tour.

Now, I am talking about Mahalaxmi Golden Temple. Wow ! It was my luck I must say that I never trust in my luck though. Going inside the temple is free. But if you pay 100/- IC, you can avoid long line. It is really a discrimination in temple. Richer can avoid the line by paying some box of money. Similarly, the temple has another discrimination route for IC 250/- which goes directly to main temple without any disturbance. If you are offering with big amount, you will get VIP TREATMENT. I don't know, whether goddess Mahalaxmi knows about these discrimination in her temple or not. As the name itself describe Mahalaxmi: goddess of assets, it may be okay for her.

Good thing I found is a queue for ordinary people who do not pay. They have to pass through jail like corridor. It seems one kilometre long corridor. All the ordinary devotees are kept in a jail like room. They count upto 200 people and locked. They kept us there for half an hour with a facility of drinking water, toilet and a small restaurant too. A business tactic to sell tea, coffee and tit bits. A policeman came in other door to unlock the out going door. I thought I am a lucky guy that I am in a jail of goddess Mahalaxmi. She will definitely bless me with lot of money while going back to my country.

After walking through a long corridor, some time I thought that I am inside zoo. All the corridor walls are made of iron wire. Ladies and gents cannot walk in the same walk ways. Again discrimination in gender but interesting while walking. After few meter of walking they allowed us to walk in our group without discrimination. After having one kilometre walking then only we came to the entrance of the temple.

Then we found wonderful walk ways with the fountains, the well managed garden, well maintained drinking water facility, rest places, breast feeding area, toilet and hexagon path way.

After more than an hour, we were able to have a DARSAN of Mahalaxmi: Goddess of rich. The temple is made of 15000 kilogram of pure gold. Wow! I was stunned seeing marvellous temple, statue, pillars, ceiling and so much of gold at a time in my life time. I had heard of Golden Temples in the world but never had an opportunity to feel and see with my naked eye.

Really worth visiting. The silver lifesize Nandi is also beautiful. At the end of visit, the temple management offer free meals. We enjoyed.

Golden Temple, Vellore.

Saturday 9 June 2018

Vellore Diary 3, CMC Hospital

Registration in CMC Hospital is very complicated if you don't understand in advance. Actually, there are very simple rules. But outsiders talk without knowledge and new patients follow unknowingly making it complicated that is what I found in CMC Hospital during my registration.

If you are Indian, no problem, go to registration desk fill the form and get registered with any one government valid identification. If you are foreigner, you have to go to IRO (international record office) 900B room outside the hospital building with your passport detail. You should have one photocopy of your identification card for Nepali and passport for other foreigners. Just follow the staff suggestion. If you have confusion consult with the staff, not with patients who are outsider and tell a story what they have in their mind, that will definitely mislead you and you will be lost.

Have patience, follow rules, appointment date, time schedule, be ontime. They are very particular in time like Japanese and Westerner do. Listen carefully with Medical Record Officer (MRO). Read your appointment slip carefully. Everything will bebin written form.

Saturday, CMC Vellore open for half day. Sunday, closed. No appointment, no treatement.

Take care.

Vellore Diary 2, Train

Early in the morning, the tea sellers say, Chaya, Chaya, Chaya. Coppee Coppee Coppee (COFFEE) in fast tone. In the afternoon, these sellers will change their tone into Cha..ya! Cha..ya! Cha..ya! And the same guy in the evening. Cha! Cha! Cha! Similarly in the night it become like!!! Same with!!!

These situations I love to hear while travelling India, that too in #TRAIN. The most delayed train named as RAPTISAGAR SUPER EXPRESS. Always delayed by more than 20 hrs in recent days. The name never fits as per its schedule. :(

Happy journey!!!

Friday 8 June 2018

Vellore Diary 1, Shopkeeper

Here I am in Vellore, people are friendly. But some time you don't understand whether they are talking or fighting. The high pitch vocabulary is very difficult to ubderstand in Tamil. The stress they give in english and in hindi sounds interesting. We too Nepali have Nepali style tone in British english.

The shopkeepers are very particular in price. They don't accept any bargaining. But people from east and west Bengal are more on bargaining. Any thing they want to buy, they bargain. Even for a rupee they discuss more than a price they are going to pay for it.

It is interesting to visit market where South Indian are sellers and Bangladeshi and Bengoli are buyers. They all talk in their own languages and sometimes scold eachother. They feel fine. Because they don't understand what they are fighting for. Some will go with happy mood and some feel frustrated thinking that they have done not good.

This was the scene I was observing while on the road.

One Bengoli wanted to buy some bananas. He was asking the cost of banana.
Banana seller: INR 20/- for 4 pcs.
Buyer: What about dozen? Thinking that he will get some discount, as most of the Bengolis are keen to have discount even a rupee down.
Banana seller: Sewanty Rupee for a dozen.
Buyer: Can I get in 60/- Rupee?
Banana seller: No. I said Sewanty Rupee. That's all.
Buyer: How about 12 Pcs?
Banana seller: If you buy 12 pcs means 60/- rupee.
Bengali Buyer: Give me 12 pcs.
Seller: Give me 60/- rupee. Not less. Ok!
Bengali: Koisa koisa dokaanadaar hai? Ek dozen mangaa Sottar bola. Baarha bola Saath bolaa.
Thiki hai hame kya? Maine eko dozan saath me kharida. Kamsekam Das rupiya kam kar dala. Ha ha ha..
Seller: Enne soller Machaan.

After all this is win win situation.

Thursday 3 May 2018

Things to know before travelling to Nepal


Lots of tourist get cultural shock while visiting Nepal. Nepal has two big neighbors People's Republic of China in north and India in east, west and south. Some people say it is a sandwich country between two big nation and it is landlocked. But we Nepalese think it is land linked country. Nepal has very typical smiling people, society, tradition and definitely cultural harmony. You will find unexpected things and behavior in Nepal. Therefore, we like to tell the tourist that explore the unexplored in your life.

15 things you should know before you travel to Nepal.
  1. Visa on arrival
  2. Left side drive
  3. 220 Volt electricity
  4. Round pin shocket
  5. Rough road is normal
  6. Need license for drone camera
  7. Nepali currency
  8. Nepali language
  9. Prepaid taxi available at Tribhuvan International Airport, Kathmandu
  10. Squat toilet is normal in many house hold. 
  11. Holding hands with same gender is normal but with opposite sex is offensive.
  12. Kissing in public is too offensive. People will stare.
  13. Leather cloths and belts are not allowed while visiting temples. 
  14. You should remove your shoes while entering home and temples.
  15. Eating in same plate is not practice in the society.

Wednesday 25 April 2018


सन् २००७ मे, जून महिना हुनु पर्छ, मैले खुम्बु क्षेत्रको पदयात्रा भ्रमण गर्ने अवसर पाएको थिएँ | त्यो बेलाका केहि घटनाहरु मेरो मानस पटलमा घरि घरि आइ रहन्छ | पत्रकार साथीहरुको राम्रो संगत पाएको त्यो अवसरमा कतिपय मेरा लेखहरु प्रकाशित भए, कति लेखेर पनि त्यस्सै रहे |
काठमाडौँबाट यती एअरलाइन्सको हवाईजहाजमा उडेको र लाम्जुरा पासमा जहाज हल्लाउँदा म संगैको साथीले सिट कस्सेर समातेको क्षण मैले कसरी बिर्सम ? संगैको नेवार साथी, डरले रात्तो पीरो भएको, आर्को सिटमा बसेको बाजेले राम राम भन्दै गरेको क्षण सम्झंदा झन् गज्जब लाग्दो रहेछ | उता शेर्पा साथीलाई त बानि परेको रहेछ | ओम् माने पेमे हुं भने पनि नडराएझै बस्यो | पछाडी पट्टिका गोराहरु भने ओ माई गड ! भनेर रमाई रहेका थिए |
नेवार साथीको हालत देखेर मलाई रमाइलो लाग्यो |
“ए पासा ! यो सिट समातेर के गरेको ? यो प्लेन हो, प्लेन, हवाईजहाज क्या ?”
पासा: ” ठा छ ठा छ, ऐले नकरा ! कस्टो डर लाइरा छ ”
“त्यो त तिम्रो मुख हेर्ने बित्तिकै थाहा पाएँ |तर मैले नबुझेको कुरो नि पासा, यो सिट समातेर तिम्रो डर हराउँछ ? अनि यो सिटको के भर खस्यो भने त झ्याप्पै हो नि पासा !” मैले झन् घिउ थप्ने काम पो गरेछु |
पासा: ” हे भगवान ! टिम्ले कस्टो काम लाएको होला, अनि कस्टो साथी दिएको होला ? यस्तो डर लाइरा बेलामा झन् टर्साउने पो गर्छ, बेमान बज्याले, तँ चुप लागेर बस्न सक्दैन भने उता हेर जा !”
त्यतिन्जेल लाम्जुरा पासको झट्का हटिसकेको थियो |
संसारको सबै भन्दा खतरनाक एअरपोर्ट, लुक्लामा राम्ररी ल्याण्ड भए पछी हामी सबै दंग पर्यौं | बिहानको हिमाल हेरेर दंग भएका हामी यात्रुहरु सबै फाक्दिंगको बाटो तर्फ लागियो | हामीलाई त्यो दिन मोन्जो पुग्नु पर्ने भएकोले फटाफट हिंड्नु थियो |
एउटा उकालोमा हामीले बिहानको खाना खानको लागि बिश्राम लिएका थियौं | त्यसै बेला “शौचालय” जाने लर्को पनि लाग्यो | बाटो बाटोमा प्रकृति तिर फर्केर मुत्रत्याग गरे पनि खुला सौच गर्ने हिम्मत चै हामीमा भएन | जाने बित्तिकै साउनी संग शौचालय कता छ भनेर सोधियो | साउनीले नजिकैको एउटा घर देखायो | कठबार लाएको एउटा कोठा|
त्यो कोठामा गएर हेर्दा केहि पनि देखिन र फर्केर फेरी सोधे ” साउनी ! Toilet कता छ? ”
साउनी: ” आघिनै मोइले भनेको होइन ? उ तेता छ भनेर ! नेपाली पनि बुज्दैन कि क्या हो यो रोंग्बाले !”
त्याँ त् केहि पनि छैन त् | न पानी छ, न पेपर छ? न साइफन |
साउनी: “यहाँ यस्तै हो राम्ररी हेर्नुस सबै छ”
आफुलाई पेट काटेर, पसिना पसिना भै सकेको अवस्था | फेरी त्यै कोठामा राम्ररी हेर्न जाँदा एक कुनामा स्याउलाको थुप्रो देखे | अंग्रेजीमा Use this after toilet भनेर लेखेको रहेछ | अनि साइफन खोजें, भेटिन, एउटा प्वाल भेटियो, त्यो पनि चारपाते | अनि त्यो प्वालबाट यस्सो तल हेरेको त, तल त जोप्क्यो पो रहेछ | अब त्यो प्वालमा बस्ने कि नबस्ने ? कोहि पनि नभएको त्यो कोठामा पनि लाजले रातै भईयो |
आफ्नो सौचको काम सुरु नै भएको थिएन, बाहिरबाट पासाले सूचना दियो ” ए पासा छिट्टो गर |”
जे पर्ला पर्ला, लौ त भनेर आफ्नो पेट सफा गर्ने काम गरियो | सायद जोप्क्योले देख्यो होला | अनि कुरी कुरी भन्यो होला | तर गज्जबको अनुभब “शौचालय”| अस्तु |

Wednesday 3 January 2018

Temple Stay in Nepal

Ashram, #Dharmashala are practised long back in Nepal and India. Now a days, Monastery stay and temple stay are increasing in Nepal. Lots of pilgrims and scholars stays in such accommodation. Some time it is controversial that such practice does not make any monetary contribution to the nation, instead it hampers the norms of tourism. 

These days it is available in Pashupatinath, Bauddha, Kapan Gumba and many more hindu temple areas and Buddhist monasteries including Lumbini, the birth place of Gautam Buddha.

Hoteliers are against these practice, while Dharma Gurus and Pandits are in support of these development. Being a tourism student, I see it as another product in tourism. We need to find out varities of accommodation to fulfill different clients in the industry. Though they don't contribute in commercial benefit, but they may contribute in society directly or indirectly.