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Thursday 24 July 2014

ठमेल (Thamel)

हामी ठमेलको बजेट होटेलको कोठा कति सम्म पाइन्छ भनेर खोज्दै थियौं । घुम्दै जांदा एउटा होटेलमा पुगियो। होटेल भित्र पस्दा पस्दै रिसेप्सन तिर पुगियो। सोफा कम बेड भएको रिसेप्सन कोठामा पुरानो कफि टेबुलमा पुरानै पत्रिका, एउटा फुलदानीमा प्लास्टिकका फुल, खुइलेको भित्तामा केही देवी देवताको फोटोहरु झुन्डिएको देखियो।

उप्केको प्लाइउड भएको रिसेप्सनको टेबुलमा एउटा क्यालेन्डर, रजिस्टर, कापी संगैको आर्को टेबुलमा।

रिसेप्सनिस्ट्को प्रतिक्षामा हामी बस्दै गर्दा एक जना सानो फुच्चे केटो कान कोट्याउदै, आँखा मिच्दै आईपुग्यो। हाफ कट्टु लगाएका त्यो भाईले हामीलाई पहिलो प्रश्न गर्यो  "कोठा एकछिनको लागि हो कि एक दिनको लागि ?"

म आश्चर्य चकित हुँदै आफ्नो भिजिटिङ कार्ड दिदै "भाई ठुलो मान्छे को हुनुहुन्छ बोलाई दिनुस त " भने ।

एक छिनमा ठुलो मान्छे पनि आइपुग्यो । मेरो भिजिटिङ कार्ड हेरे पनि त्यही प्रश्न दोहर्यायो । "कोठा एक छिन को लागि कि कति दिन को लागि ?"

हामी चकित भयौं । हामीले ठुलो गल्ती गरेछम क्यारे । कतै हाम्रो अनुहारमा त्यस्तो बदमाशी त झल्किएको पो छ कि ? पहिले त हामीले बुझेनम किन त्यस्तो प्रश्न सोधेछन भनेर । केहि छिन पछि एक जोडी केटा केटी नाकमा मास्क लगाएर आए । हामीले कोठा नलिने भन्ने थाहा पाएर होला " तपाईंहरू एकै छिन बस्नुस है । म उहाँहरु संग कुरा सिध्याउछु " भन्यो ।

त्यो टोलिलाई पनि सिधै प्रश्न गर्‍यो " एक छिन कि एक दिन ?" 

केटो : "एक छिन ।"

रिसेप्सनिस्ट:" एक छिन को लागि हो भने आठ सय एक दिन हो भने पन्ध्र सय है सर।"

केटो : "अलि दिस्काउन्ट गरिदिनुस न ।"

रिसेप्सनिस्ट: "एक छिन को लागि यत्तिनै हो ।"

केटो : "ल ल ठिकै छ । कुन कोठा हो देखाइ दिनुस ।"

हामिले बल्ल कुरो बुझ्यौ । के के न ठूलो काम गर्ने भनेर गएको त्यहा को परिस्थिति देखेर छक्क पर्यौ ।

यथार्थमा त्यो दृश्य मेरो मानस पतलमा झल्झल्ती आएको देख्दा नेपालमा पनि रेड लाईट एरिया छुट्याउनु बेस होलाकी जस्तो लाग्यो । सामाजिक अवस्था ले नपचाए पनि वास्तविकता आफ्नै आँखा अगाडि देखियो । समाज कता लाग्दै छ ? स्कुल, कलेजमा पढ्न गएका हाम्रा सन्तान कतै कुबाटोमा त लागेका छैनन ? एक पटक सोच्न पर्ला कि ? अस्तु ।

Monday 14 July 2014

Birthday in the sky, a family fly

Birthday in the sky, Pokhara, a lake city of Nepal.

It was just beginning of the monsoon, we have decided to celebrate birthday in the sky. First it was like a monsoon madness, most of our friends did not suggest us to visit Pokhara during monsoon. We may get thunder storm. But on 24 June 2014 morning, we were excited whether we could complete our mission or not. The weather was cloudy and gloomy in Pokhara, We were expecting the favorable weather for paragliding in paradise. Our mission was to celebrate our daughter's birthday in the sky. 

Early morning, we went to Taal Barahi, a lake temple in Fewa Taal. By the time, we were boating in Fewa lake, we could see the weather was getting clear and sunny. We had a nice time in Fewa lake. We all got chance to row the boat turn by turn while going to Temple and back. This time, every body got life jackets for boating, which we felt very good for security reason.

I got a first call at 9:00 am from Avia Club that we need to be assembled by 11: 00 am at their office. We could see a hope for probability of paragliding.

After coming back from Taal Barahi Temple, we were taking brunch when my mobile got second call from Avia Club. This time, our assembly time got revised to 10:45 am. We need to rush a little bit more. But we were happy. We got confirmation that we were flying. 

During our transfer to Sarangkot, I briefed all our pilots that we were celebrating our daughter's birthday in the sky. All pilots got excited and thrilled. They promised us to keep us flying in same elevation as far as possible.

We all reached Sarangkot, the base camp for Paragliding, I like to say, at 11:30 am. The weather was favorable and we all got big bag to carry and waiting for favorable wind. One of our Pilot said that "first carry this bag by yourself, after flying it will carry you". Wow. What a wonderful bag. It was actually a parachute.

Yes.......! My wife Yek Maya took off first. She was enjoying. Then, my birthday girl Uppalavanna,  myself, my eldest son Piyadassi and my youngest son Nhuja turn by turn.

Wow... We all family were in the sky at the same time. It was our dream that came true and we created own history celebrating our daughter's birthday in the sky in Pokhara, Nepal, that was first of its kind in Nepalese tourism industry, if I am not wrong. I have not heard this type of flying but we did it.

All our pilots tried to be in same elevation, but my elder son, my daughter and I could see in the same elevation, my wife was in higher and my youngest son in the lower elevation. Even then, we could wish her in the sky.

We all were in the sky. All family members got refreshed, a happy present to my family that I could ever give and that became historic.

What I found is we could launch this concept as a tourism product. "Birthday in the sky, a family fly." 

We are grateful to Mr. Barun Gyawali, Avia Club and all the Pilots, Ronald, Mouricio, Elli, Bijay Gautam & Bijay Dahal.

From next time, why not you think about celebrating your kids birthday in the sky, an adventure gift. 
