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Wednesday 16 December 2015

प्रबिधि सिकाउन पर्छ ।

सरकारले घर बनाइदिने, खाना दिने जस्ता कुराको पछि लागेर भुकम्प पीडितहरु आस गरेर बसेर केही हुने वाला छैन ।

सरकारले त नीति निर्माण गर्‍यो, प्रभावकारी ढंगले कार्यान्वयन भएन भनेर सरकारलाई नै दोष  लगाएर पनि काम छैन । स्थानीयबासिहरु नै अग्रसर हुनु पर्छ ।

पुरानै प्रबिधी भन्दा नयाँ प्रबिधी अनुसार घर बनाउने, फोहोरमैला ब्यबस्थापन, खेतबारीमा काम गर्ने तरिका सिकाउन सरकारले तालिमको ब्यबस्था गर्नु पर्छ ।

सौर्य उर्जा, बायो ग्यास, बैकल्पिक उर्जाका प्रबिधिलाई प्रोत्साहन गरी दीगो ब्यबस्थापन गर्न पनि सिकाउनु पर्छ ।

अहिले नगरे कहिले गर्ने ? हामीले नगरे कस्ले गर्ने ? संधै आर्काको भर कतिन्जेल बस्ने ?

Wednesday 2 December 2015


Saturday 24 October 2015

Rock Climbing at Nagarjun

Sunday 11 October 2015

रात अझै बाकि छ

इन्धन नपाएर दिमाग खराब ! कहिले छिमेकीलाई गाली गर्यो, कहिले नेताहरुलाई गाली गर्यो | कतै जान नपाए कोहि नभेटे सामाजिक संजालमा सत्तो सराप्यो बस्यो | थुक्क ! यस्तो पनि देश, बरु विदेश नै ठिक यार | के बस्नु यस्तो देशमा, न पानी पाउनु. न नेताको बानी, न जनताको बानी सुध्रिनु, न खान पाउनु, न त कामै पाउनु, न काम गर्ने वातावरण | यस्तो लाग्छ यो देशमा जन्मेर गल्ति गरिएछ |  भनेर फलाक्नेहरु आजकाल यत्र तत्र सर्बत्र भेटिने गर्छन |

सबै तिर समस्या नै समस्या मात्र देख्ने एउटा ठुलो जमात निर्माण भइ सकेको अवस्थामा पनि अहिले त हो नि यति धेरै अवसरहरु छन् भन्ने एउटा सानो जमात पनि यो समाजमा छन् |

समस्या देख्नेहरुले बास्तवमा समाधान पनि देख्छन त्यसैले हरेस खांदैनन |  समस्यामा अवसर देख्नेहरुले समाधानका बाटोहरु सुझाउनु अहिलेको अवस्था हो | आफुले जानेको कुरा अरुलाई पनि सुझाउनु नै सबैको कल्याण गर्नु हो | यो नै मानव धर्म पनि हो |

महा भूकम्पलाई सामना गर्न सक्ने हामी नेपालीले कयौं देशको शान्ति सुरक्षाको लागि काम गरी राखेका छौं | तर देश रोएको अवस्था छ | थोरै लोभीपापीहरुले गर्दा यो स्थितिको सिर्जना भएको हो | रात परे पछि बिहान त हुन्छ नै | संझौ रात अझै बाकि छ |

बिहानीको पर्खाइमा हामी छौं | 

सक्नेले नसक्नेलाई सहयोग गरौँ | इन्धनको बचत गरौँ | ग्यासको सत्ता, ब्रिकेट, दाउरा, बिजुली आएको बखतमा हिटर प्रयोग गरौ | छ भने साइकलमा यात्रा गरौ | छैन भने अलि चांडो निस्केर गन्तब्य तिर लागौं | साबर्जनिक बस कुर्दा कुर्दा समय बर्बाद नगरौ | बृद्ध र बाल बालिकालाई प्राथमिकता दिऊ | 

सके सम्म इमेल, ईन्टरनेट प्रबिधिको प्रयोग गरौं । Skype, Facebook Messenger, G Talk, Viber, Whatsapp जस्ता प्रबिधीको अत्यधिक प्रयोग गरौं । अस्तु |

Saturday 19 September 2015

Is Nepal safe to travel ?

Lot of people from abroad still ask the same questions as follows; "Is Nepal safe to travel?" after earthquake 25 April. "Do you have food to eat in your country?"

But we do not feel such condition in Nepal. Most of them (EQ) are not aware regarding the actual situation. The infographic data shows the actual facts from Nepal Tourism Board.

When we had EQ, media from all over the world concentrated on devastation & visuals. We were unknown what we need to do and how we need to act.

Every body from a single lay man to government were helpless to manage the situation. We were not prepared to handle emergency, although there were lot of I-NGOs taught the mock EQ every year in various sectors in Nepal and even in Kathmandu valley. The way they taught did not work when it happened in reality.

The good thing in Nepal is that people took it as natural disaster and it may happen anywhere in the world, so why do we worry? Now, Chile is suffering.

Tourism is bread and butter of most of Nepalese. Nepalese do not want to be parasite depending on donation. We are mentally fit and fine that we came back in normal life though we lost many friends and families.

We are still smiling, we are alive and want to work for tourism, for Nepal building back better. You can see all the festivals are smooth and intact. Therefore the answer is "Yes ! it is safe to travel." if you have still questions in your head, please visit for the latest information on Nepal.

Common Nepal lovers if you want to help Nepal please do come and visit our country with your friends and families and see our beautiful Nepal in your upcoming holidays. 

Wednesday 9 September 2015

Hashtags in Social Media Marketing

I am not an IT guy. That is why I did not know the meaning of Hashtags. Last year June 2014, when I was in Malaysia for #AirAsia travel mart, I was requested to hashtag AirAsia. I did not care it. After certain time unknowingly started this symbol in my facebook, instagram, google+. Interestingly I got good result. My reach increased in my Personal FB Page and Professional FB Page.

Unknowingly, I started hashtags in #Canyoning, #MountainBike, #RockClimbing, #Hiking, #BushHike, #Bouldering, #Kathmandu, #Nepal, #NepalNow, #NepaliFood, #Tour, #Travel, #Iamwithnepal, #TravelNepal, #HelpNepal, #Adventure and so on.

Now, when I attended social media marketing training, I understand the value of hashtag. We should use this symbol in all social network while we post something in our social media.

Try it, you will find interestingly good result in your social network.

Cheers for crossing century !!! This is my 101 article :)


Sunday 6 September 2015

"ह्याक" के हो ?

संचार क्षेत्रमा सम्मानित पदमा रही काम गरी  सकेका वरिष्ठ ब्यक्तिले सार्बजनिक कार्यक्रमको दौरानमा तिक्तताका साथ अभिव्यक्त "मेरो इमेल ह्याक गर्‍यो" भन्ने शब्द सुन्दा म त स्तब्ध र छक्क ।

सामान्यतया ईमेल ह्याक हुँदा आफ्नो इमेल चेक गर्न मिल्दैन र ह्याक गर्नु भनेको बिधुतीय अपराध पनि हो । तर त्यो शब्दको सामान्य अर्थ समेत हेक्का नराखी गम्भीर आरोप लगाइ दिएर आफ्नो तिक्तता व्यक्त गर्नु भयो महाशयले । यो कत्तिको संगीन आरोप हुन सक्छ, त्यो त मैले अनुमान लगाउन सकिन ।

मैले बुझे अनुसार आफुले आफ्नो इमेल चेक गर्न नसकिने अवस्था सिर्जना हुनु र आफ्नो इमेलको पासवोर्ड चोरेर अरु कसैले आफ्नो नामबाट इमेल गरिदिने कामलाई "ह्याक" भन्ने शब्द प्रयोग गर्न मिल्छ । त्यसैले ह्याक हुनबाट बच्नको लागि  सेक्युरिटी कोड राखेको हुन्छ, जुन प्राय गोप्य हुन्छ ।

"बोल्न पायो भने प्याच्च नबोल्नु, बस्न पायो भने थ्याच्च नबस्नु" भनेर बुढा पाकाले तेस्सै भनेका होइनन् । त्यसैले शब्दको अर्थ अनर्थ के हो बुझेर मात्रै बोल्नु ठिक होला कि । #चेतना भया । अस्तु ।

Saturday 29 August 2015

Janai Purnima (Gunhi Punhi)

Also celebrated as Rakshya Bandhan (July-August) 
Janai Purnima, Raksha Bandhan
The full-moon of the month of Shrawan, the day when this festival is observed, is considered sacred all over Nepal and is celebrated in different manner by different groups of people of Nepal. However, the most widely accepted mode of celebration is that on this day people take a ritual bath and change their sacred thread. Every Hindu gets a string of thread tied in his wrist from the Brahmans as a protective mark for the whole year. 
The Nepalese prepare a special dish called 'Kwati, various mixed sprouted beans on this day. This day is also held sacred for bathing in Gosainkunda. One can also see a pageantry of the Jhankris (witch doctors) attired in their traditional costume come to bathe at Kumbheshwor at Patan. These Jhankris also visit the temple of Kalinchowk Bhagawati (the goddess at Kalinchowk) in Dolkha district where they go to beg for their healing powers, as they are the traditional healers of the Nepalese villagers. 

Wednesday 19 August 2015

Nag Panchami

This #festival falls in July August. This is devoted to the worship of the Nagas, the divine serpents. Pictures of the Naga are stuck over the doorposts of all the houses in the morning as protective spells. This is also the day for the beginning of Gunialakhe dance in Kathmandu in which persons wearing masks of a demon entertain the people with their gimmick. 

Nag Panchami Pooja

Tuesday 18 August 2015

गज्जब छ बा !

पृष्ठभूमि :
एउटा कार्यालय कोठा, हाकिमको ठुलो टेबुल, संगै आर्को कुनामा पी ए  पनि छ | दुवै टेबुलमा कम्प्युटर पनि छ | हाकिमकोमा इन्टरनेट छ | पी ए को मा छैन | हाकिमलाई कम्प्युटर चलाउन पनि आउदैन तर नचलाए पनि स्वाँग पार्न भए पनि खोल्ने बन्द गर्ने सबै काम पी ए ले नै गरी दिनु पर्छ | इज्जत को सवाल छ | आउदैन भन्न पनि नमिल्ने अवस्था |

कर्मचारी : (हाकिम तिर हेर्दै ) सर ! मैले त्यो ड्राफ्ट इमेल गरेको थिएँ, हेर्नु भयो ?
हाकिम : (पी ए तिर हेर्दै ), ए त्यो इमेल  हेरेको हो ?
पी ए : (हाकिम तिर हेर्दै, नेप्रिएर) के खाएर हेर्ने नि सर ? मेरो मा इन्टरनेट नै राखी दिनु भएन !
कर्मचारी ; ए हो ! अहिले को जमानामा पनि  पी ए लाई इन्टरनेट सेवाबाट बन्चित हुँदो रहेछ ? यो त अति भएन र सर ?
हाकिम : के गर्नु ! दिनभर फेसबुक हेरेर बसिदिन्छ, काम नै गर्दैन | म बाहिर बैठकमा गयो कि त झन् के के पो हेर्दा हुन्, सुक्को काम हुँदैन |  मेरो पालो झ्याप्पै इन्टरनेटको लाइन नै काटी दिएँ | लौ जा !
खैर केहि छैन | चाहियो भने मेरोमा इमेल हेर्न मिलि हाल्छ नि | ए !  पी ए साप ! एता आएर इमेल एक पटक चेक गर्नुस त !
पी ए : (इमेल हेर्दै) खोइ मैले त देखिन नि ! फेरी एक पटक पठाम न है |
कर्मचारी : इमेल पनि पटक पटक पठाउन पर्छ र ? राम्ररी हेर्नुस न !
पी ए : (झर्किएर) तपाईले मलाई सिकाउने ? जिन्दगी जान लागि सक्यो | कति हाकिमको इमेल हेरियो, हेरियो | मलाई हेर्न न आको भन्ठानेको ? मैले छैन भने पछि छैन | ल ! न भए तपाइँ नै हेर्नुस!
कर्मचारी : ल ल मै हेरी दिन्छु | (इमेल हेर्दै) ई ! यो के त ? यो मैले पठाको इमेल होइन ? कत्ति न इमेल हेर्न जानेको जस्तै गर्दा रेछन | फटाहा रेछ हो हाकिमको पी ए त |
हाकिम : खोइ के ! खोइ  के ? मैले त सोच्नै सकिन, यस्तो फटाहा छन् भनेर | कहिले काहिँ त इमेल छ भन्थ्यो | प्रिन्ट पनि गर्थ्यो | आज के भा को कुन्नी !
कर्मचारी : गज्जब छ बा !

अस्तु !

Friday 14 August 2015

Nyatapola Temple, Bhaktapur

The unique temple of Bhaktapur, the Nyatapola literally means ‘five storied’ and rises above the city’s landscape as a remarkable landmark. It also has the distinction of having withstood the devastating earthquake of 1933. Dedicated to a tantric goddess, the steps leading up to the temple are flanked by stone sculptures of deities and mythical beasts, each 10 times more powerful than the one immediately below.

Nyatapola Temple, Bhaktapur, Nepal

Thursday 13 August 2015

मोटरसाइकल चालक

हिजो आज के भा को कुन्नी ? बिहान बिहानै मोटरसाइकललाई ढक्का दिने एकजना क्याम्पस पढ्ने भाइले "सरि अंकल ! ब्रेक फेल भयो| लाग्दै लागेन " भन्यो टाप कस्यो | मलाई के भो कसो भो भन्ने सोध्ने त कता हो कता ?

हुत्तिएर आउंछन् | धक्का दिएर जान्छन | अनि आफुलाई चलचित्रको बहादुर सम्झन्छन् | आइ मिन हिरो नि | हिरो भनेको बहादुर नै हो नि होइन र ? हिन्दुस्तान गएर, लाहोर गएको भन्ने बहादुर चाहिं होइन |

बाबु आमाले छोरा छोरीलाई सवारी साधन किन्दा पनि " राम्ररी चला है, हुइक्याउने हैन नि" भनेर अर्ति उपदेश त दिएकै हुन्छ | तर यो केटा केटीहरुको हातमा सवारी साधन परे पछि, सवारी साधन पनि आफै हिड्ने गर्छ कि क्या हो | जांचमा फेल भएको हो कि ब्रेक फेल भा को हो मैले पनि सोध्ने काम गरिन |

हतार त सबैलाई हुन्छ नि | तर आफुलाई जस्तै अरुलाई पनि हतार नै हुने हुँदा, कुरो बुझ्नु पर्ने नि | खोइ कुरा बुझेको ? तेस्का बाजे, भनेर भन्न मिलेन | सडकको कुरो | प्याच्च बोल्यो भने अनर्थ होला भन्ने पीर | खोइ के ? खोइ के ?

दिक्क लाग्छ |  यस्ता चालक देख्दा | अस्तु |

Wednesday 12 August 2015


#Gathemangal is a siren for festivals in Nepal.

On the way to pray for gathemangal.

This festival is celebrated generally in the month of June/July. This year it fell on August 12 due additional month (Purushottam Mass) according to lunar calendar. People worship and offer sacrifices to demons, serpents and other supernatural and natural elements like wind, water and fire since long time back to get rid of evil powers and the legendary demons named Ghantakarna.

Praying at night to get rid of demon. 

Monday 15 June 2015

Nepal: Aftermath

Government of Nepal has announced formal opening of UNESCO Heritage site, Bhaktapur from today 15 June 2015. We tourism entrepreneur are very happy to have such a positive announcement on Nepal. 25/04 gave a very bad shock to Nepal and lot of international media had big coverage on the destruction of Nepal. These coverages had created very bad impression on Nepal. Actually, all Nepal were not affected. But the way media had covered made people afraid of visiting Nepal with immediate effect.

The big media houses from abroad could not even thought of the impact of their coverage, that damaged the whole life of Nepalese and Nepal. We are suffering from the quake and economic impact too. Physically and mentally down. We need your help to rise again. We request all Nepal lovers to Travel Nepal to Help Nepal.

Now is the time to review the news again. Those who had covered the news on the topic need to have follow up news on Nepal aftermath. The follow up news will definitely help for revival of Nepal tourism and economic activities.

In the mean time, lot of people believe on travel advisory. The ambassadors residing in NEPAL love to stay in Nepal but they are still afraid of modifying their travel advisory and welcome their citizens in Nepal. We request all our well wisher ambassadors to review their travel advisory as soon as possible. 

Some time diplomats need to be briefed on time, which may be lacking from Nepalese government side or Nepalese tourism professional. 

We Nepalese have guts to scale Mt. Everest and climb lots of scary mountain but do not think of requesting residence ambassadors (Most of them are Nepal lovers) to revise their travel advisory.

This is an open appeal to all ambassadors to please get the facts from Nepal government, Ministry of Home Affairs, Ministry of Culture, Tourism and Civil Aviation, Nepal Tourism Board, Tourism Recovery Committee and lot of your friends in travel trade business and please revise, review your travel advisory for recovery of Nepal. Your statement matters than we spend lot of exercise on recovery. 

Your contribution in this regard will be highly appreciated.

Vinaya Shakya 
Travel Consultant 

Thursday 11 June 2015

भूकम्प र पालको बास

२०७२ बैशाख १२ गतेको भूकम्प र फेरी २९ गते आएको आर्को कम्पनले धेरै नेपाल भुमिमा बस्नेहरुलाई "ने" काटेर "पाल"को बास गरायो । २ - ४ दिन देखि हप्ता दिन, आधा महिना सम्म पालमा बास बस्नु पर्दा हामीले घर हेरेर बस्ने बाहेक अरु केहि गर्न सकेनौ ।

पालबाट घर हेर्दा घरले केहि बोल्छ कि जस्तो लाग्थ्यो । "किन तिमीहरु मलाई छाडेर खेतमा पाल टाँगेर बसेको?" भन्थ्यो । घर भित्र जान खोज्दा मृत्युको मुखमा गएको जस्तो लाग्थ्यो । घरको भित्ता, कोठा, ढोका सबैले बोल्छ जस्तो लाग्थ्यो ।

कहिले काही जिस्काए जस्तो पनि लाग्थ्यो । हत्तेरिका कति डराएका ? भन्थ्यो, जस्तो लाग्थ्यो । झ्यालले पनि हात हल्लाए जस्तो लाग्थ्यो । बत्तीले आँखा झिम्क्याए जस्तो लाग्थ्यो । टेलिफोनले घर भित्रै बस भने झैँ लाग्थ्यो ।

पटक पटक जमीन हल्लिंदा घरले " हेर है साहु ! तिमीहरुले बनाएको घर त ठिकै छ । सिमेन्ट, डण्डी राम्रै लाएका छौ, टाई बिम लगाएकै छौ, किन डराएका ? मलाई केहि हुन्न" भने झैं लाग्थ्यो । तर हाम्रो मनमा घर प्रति होइन आफु प्रति नै विश्वास थिएन । कुन बेला यमराजले लाने हो ठेगान छैन कति खेर फेरी कम्पन आउने हो कुर्ने सिवाय केहि गर्न सकिएन । कता जाँदा मरिने हो ? कुन ठाउमा खाल्डो चिरिने हो ? जमीन भास्सिने हो कि ? घर ढल्ने हो कि ? बिजुलीको खम्बाले लाग्ने हो कि ? छिमेकको घर पर्खाल लडेर ज्यान जाने हो कि ? तेस्सै अत्तालिएर मरिने हो कि ? मुटुको व्यथाले को खुस्किने हो कि ? के हो ? के हो ?

केहि कुरा लेख्ने कोशिस गर्दा केहि नफुर्ने । दिमागी सन्तुलन नै गुमेको जस्तो लाग्थ्यो । जहिले पनि जमीन हल्ले झैँ लाग्ने । कसैले "आयो" भनी बित्तिकै भागी हाल्ने बानि नै भयो । धारामा पानी आए पनि, पखाला लागेर आए पनि, फोन आए पनि, दाइ आए पनि, भाइ आए पनि "आयो" भन्ने बित्तिकै जुरुक्क उठेर टाप दिने मानिसहरु खोज्न कतै जानु परेन ।

सायद मानसिक अस्पतालका बिरामीहरु बरु ठिक भए होलान हामी चै बिरामी भयौं । कति हात खुट्टा नचलेर असक्त भएकाहरु सन्चो भए होलान डराएरै बरु । सुन्नमा पनि आएको थियो । एकजना पक्षघात भएर हिड्न नसक्ने मानिस जुरुक्क उठेर हिडे रे । त्यो त राम्रै भो । सबैलाई ज्यान जोगाउन हतार ।

हाम्रो काका पनि दमको बिरामी । भूकम्प आउदा, दौडेर आउन नसकेर भर्याङमा ठिङ्ग उभेर बस्नु भयो । हामी चै बाहिर निस्केर कराएर मात्रै बस्यौं । आफ्नै घर भित्र जाने हिम्मत आएन । आफैले आफैलाई धिक्कार भन्ने सिबाय अरु केहि गर्न सकिएन । लाचार नै भयौं ।

यो एउटा यस्तो अवस्था थियो जहाँ हामीले मानिस बाहेक जात पात, रंग भेद सबै बिर्सेका थियौं । मानवीय धर्म मात्रै जागृत भएको अवस्था थियो । सबैजना पालमा, खान एकै थालमा ।

हे, यो त जति लेखे नि नपुग्ने रहेछ । अहिले लाई यतिनै । अस्तु ।

Monday 8 June 2015

Nepal Earthquake: We can do

Some tourism professionals think that we are finished for this season, the other group has different views. Now we have more opportunities. We are known to the world. We do not need to introduce in the world market. Lot of media coverage on earthquake definitely took attention of the world and Nepal lovers.

This is the time to hit the market. Let us appeal to the world to travel Nepal to help Nepal. We will rise again and want to come back soon. Plan your next holiday destination to our country Nepal. It is time to rebuild and revive from the natural calamity. 

Nature calamity never comes with any signal nor alarm. It can hit any where in the world. Earthquake made us equivalent to Japan, New Zealand, Now is the time to think like Japanese and New Zealander. If they can do, why not us.

Come on Nepalese, lets work for the country with new look, new enthusiasm & new thoughts. We can do. The world knows how we got rid of insurgency, how we handled royal family massacre, How we managed Turkish Airlines incident.

Vinaya Shakya
Travel Consultant

Monday 11 May 2015

Travel Nepal, Help Nepal

We are still in shock, and we are having aftershock everyday till date. Mind, body and soul are not in normal condition. Lots of people gain anxiety, depression, tension, mental disorder and psychic. These are due to post earthquake affect. We are alive, this is the best thing. We should start new life. We should try to forget the past. It is difficult, but we should.

Share your tension, share your sorrows, talk to people, help people, get out of your place, see other place, neighbour, visit friends and families, do volunteer. Try to back to your normal life. Develop self confidence.

To our foreign friends!
It is our humble request to travel Nepal in coming season, our village, our place and help people. Please do not cancel your tour plan. If you travel Nepal, you will create employment, you will support the local directly. We want to "work for Nepal". We assure you that we never give up for hospitality. People lost their houses but not homely environment. 

It is natural disaster, not political, you can see the united people now than before. Youths are working without any political banners from their heart for humanity. 

In this condition, we can revive through tourism. Therefore, we request all our friends and families to travel Nepal and help Nepal from coming season.

Friday 8 May 2015

Nepal Earthquake Update

Fri May 08 06:17:33 GMT+05:45 2015 near 32km S of Kodari, Nepal
4.9 earthquake!

Thursday 23 April 2015


Canyoning at Sundarijal with Chhango, The Canyoning Company

Wednesday 15 April 2015

Canyoning in Nepal

Monday 23 March 2015

साहशिक पर्यटन

नेपाल साहशिक पर्यटनको लागि गज्जबको क्रिडास्थल हो भन्दा अतिसयोक्ती नहोला । सन् १९५० मा मरिस हर्जोग र लुइस लाचनेलले पहिलो पटक ८०९१ मि. अग्लो अन्नपूर्ण हिमालको सफलता पूर्बक आरोहण गरे पछि बिश्व मानचित्रमा अङ्कित नेपाल एक पछि आर्को गर्दै पचासको दशकमा ८ हजार मिटरका उचाइका हिमालहरुमा मानवीय पाइला पुगेपछि नेपाल पर्वतारोहणको लागि प्रख्यात रह्यो । साठी वर्षको अन्तरालमा पनि नेपालले आफ्नो ख्याति कायम नै राखेको छ । साथै नेपालमा नयाँ नयाँ साहशिक खेलहरुको प्रवेश पनि भएको देखिएको छ ।

पर्वतारोहण, पदयात्रा, जल बिहार (Rafting), नौका बिहार (Canoeing), बन्जी, क्यान्योनिङ (Canyoning), जङ्गल यात्रा, हाइकिङ, घासे चढाई (Bush Hiking), खोला यात्रा (River Hike), चट्टान चढाई (Rock Climbing), साइकल यात्रा, डोरि यात्रा (Zip line), पाराग्लाइड, अल्ट्रालाइट, पानी बल, आदि इत्यादि साहशिक खेलहरु नेपालमा मज्जाले बिकास भएको देखिन्छ ।

पोखरा भने साहशिक खेलको लागि मैदान नै साबित भएको छ । काठमाडौमा भने शिवपुरी राष्ट्रिय निकुञ्जमा साइकल यात्रा, नागर्जुनमा चट्टान चढाई, सुन्दरीजलमा क्यान्योनिङ, घासे चढाई, खोला यात्रा गर्न सकिन्छ ।

बिदेशमा बस्ने नेपालीहरु नेपालमा आउँदा विशेष गरि जल बिहार, बन्जी, पाराग्लाइडिङ गर्ने चलन बढ्दै गएको छ । हालै नेपालमा नेपालीहरुमा पनि साइकल यात्रा र क्यान्योनिङ खेलमा आकर्षण बढ्दै गएको देखिन्छ ।

तपाईं पनि यी साहशिक खेलहरु खेल्ने बिचार गर्दै हुनु हुन्छ तर कता सम्पर्क गरौं भनि सोच्दै हुनुहुन्छ भने र मा सम्पर्क गर्न सक्नुहुन्छ । अस्तु ।

Saturday 21 February 2015

Adventure Picnic

On 16 Feb 2015, I posted private picnic at Sundarijal with various adventure activities in facebook. I got an immediate call from one of my facebook friend Anil Manandhar. He wanted to organize the same in next day. I was excited and satisfied with my concept that became my new product in town, A picnic with difference:"Adventure Picnic". He wanted to take some students from his organization to this picnic. 

Actually, Sundarijal offers lot of opportunities for adventure lovers. Canyoning & Bouldering with bush hike and river hike are main interesting activities in this region. Tripitak Holidays introduced Dry Canyoning with technical support from Chhango, the Canyoning Company. This is introductory abseiling game for beginners. We offered this program from 10 years child to senior guides this time. 

The participants were offered first fifteen minutes hiking to our camp site and breakfast with hot tea. These participants were briefed regarding team building, team work and team value during adventure activities. 

In the beginning, these novice participants were awkward to start the team work, after having climbing equipment in their body, they got new power and confident. All were ready to start on their own. We were happy to see these happy children who enjoyed all the adventure activities.  

They participated in bouldering and dry canyoning with full enthusiast. I got surprised when 10 years girl Asmita was eager to do canyoning for two and boudering for many times with the help of Devaka Sri and Instructor Kishor Shahi.

This is different picnic in the picnic world. We have introduced team building in new way with adventure game. And I am confident that this is useful for corporate world too who are fed up with traditional management games. Cheers with beers are faded away now. Let us have some thing different in team building game, i.e. "Adventure Picnic" with Team Building Education.

Sunday 8 February 2015

Rock and River Hike

Are you looking for new adventure sports in town? Here we are. We have launched a new adventure sports for dry season in Sundarijal, Kathmandu. This is what we call it as Rock and River walk. During dry season, the water level is very low in Sundarijal, Kathmandu. We have surveyed the rock and track route in river for hike which we named as Rock and River Hike. Please click here.

Monday 26 January 2015

ग्यासको सिलिन्डर

हिजोआज ग्यासको सिलिन्डरको जुलुसमा मेरो सिलिन्डर पनि लाइनमा थियो । अनि सिलिन्डरले मलाई भन्यो।

ओ ए ग्यास बोकुवा ! मलाई राम्ररी बोक त, सडकमा गुल्त्याएर मेरो ढाड भाच्ने काम नगर त। तिम्रो भान्छा मै जाने हो । किन हेला गर्छौ ? म बिना तिमीहरूलाई कति कष्ट हुन्छ, देखि हाल्यौ ।
तिम्रो सरकार त निकम्मा रहेछ । हामी रित्तिदा पनि भरिदा पनि कमिसन नै खान्छन् कि क्या हो?

कहिले हाम्रो लुगामा निलो रङ भरिदिन्छ कहिले हाम्रो नाममा परिचय पत्र बनाउने भन्छ । जे गरे पनि तिमि जनताहरु चै चुप लाएर बस्दा रहेछन । हामी सिलिन्डरहरुलाई बरु लाज लागि सक्यो । हुदा हुदा हाम्रो नाममा पनि राजनीति ।

कसै कसैले हामिलाई ढाडमा बोकेर लान्छन, कतिले गाडीमा, कतिले मोटर साइकल, कतिले साइकल, के के हो के के ।

कति युवा जोडीलाई त मज्जा पनि भाको छ । कमसेकम ग्यास लिन जाने निहुँमा मनपर्ने साथीहरू भेट्न पाइएको पनि छ। तेसैले ग्यास लुकाउनु हुने बेपारीहरुलाई धन्यवाद पनि दिन्छन् रेछ ।

म सिलिन्डरलाई त के छ र ! आज एउटा को घरमा भोलि आर्को घरमा ।

अगाडिको सिलिन्डर र म एक पटक सङ्गै एउटै घरमा पुगेका थियौ । हामी दुबै एक अर्का संग थेलम थेल गरेर अरु सिलिन्डरहरु संगै परेका थियौं ।

एय्या बाबा ! मलाई त्यो दिन लडाएको अझै दुखेको छ। जिउ नै कुच्याइ दियो । हेर्नुस् ग्यास बोकुवा !

मलाई भने भरे बेलुकी खाना खान पाउने ठेगाना नभएको बेलामा कहाँ सिलिन्डरको कुरा सुनेर बस्ने। लौ जास भनेर तेइ ग्यास सिलिन्डर मै थचक्क बसि दिए।